Reviews Courtesy of

Incredibly moving and heart-stopping
By mother-trucker on January 4, 2016
Relating the personal experiences of survivors of this hellish nightmare and "seeing" and "hearing" what they saw and heard and reading about their determination to help get as many people as possible to safety, this book is more intense and chilling than any "disaster" movie could aspire to. All those conspiracy theorists who claim these were military jets or bombs planted by our government and not passenger airliners need to quit screaming conspiracy and read about the facts from those who lived through this.
First hand experience of a survivor
By Rob Gon February 25, 2018
Mr. Ronningen’s first hand telling of the horrible 9/11 terrorist attack is gut wrenching. He provides the perspective of many Co-workers who went from enjoying the beautiful morning weather, to hearing a loud noise above them, to not believing anything serious was happening, to the realization they were under attack and needed to escape the inferno
By Dianne Rascoon January 31, 2018
Great book told in gripping detail. Did not want to put the book down. One of the best I have read.
By Peter D. on March 29, 2018
Important and absorbing account of living through the horrors of 9/11. This is a book that should be read, very well written.
Riveting Tale of a Terrible Day
By caitmoteson November 6, 2017
This account of the events of 9/11/01 is incredible. I could not put this book down, and finished within about 30 hours, save for sleep and (trying to) work. I highly recommend to anyone wanting a first-hand account of that day. Very, very well written story by Erik!
By Wendy Priceon August 8, 2017
This is the most amazing book I have ever read. I cannot imagine what these people went through. The fact that they were willing to share their stories with the rest of us is incredible. Even though I know the outcome of this book, there were many times I was breathless and anxious while reading it. And of course I cried. It's incredibly powerful.
It was good to read what happened to some of the survivors ...
By K. Carrollon October 22, 2015
It was good to read what happened to some of the survivors of the Twin Towers and hear their harrowing stories of what they witnessed and how they escaped. I did not think it was great writing or a masterpiece as so many were raving about, but many stories were quite horrific experiences to go through, and it reminds you how fragile life is. Good book.
By Amazon Customer on February 29, 2016
An incredible read which had me riveted! I'm not American but followed the events of 9/11 very closely. Last year I visited the 9/11 museum and memorial which was one of the most emotional yet uplifting experiences I have ever had. This book brought everything to life and I would recommend it unreservedly: there are parts of it that I will never forget. Erik Ronningen writes of the appalling horror with great sensitivity. A five star read.
By DEAN on November 1, 2016
Heartfelt and courageous re telling
By Smuggins on July 25, 2015
Very brave accounts of the tragedy that awful day. The stories of strangers helping one another is inspiring. I don't know that I'll ever fully get my head around the events of that day. It was life changing for me and I was safe. God Bless all those who perished and their families. Never forget.
By John Wurtzbacher on October 25, 2014
This is one book once you start reading, you have to finish it in one sitting. Mr. Ronningen gives such a vivid and first person view of the events of the that fateful day. I recommend this to all.
I lost a nights sleep over it because It is that good...
By Papaphilly on July 29, 2014
I could not put this book down to save my life. I lost a nights sleep over it because It is that good. I was lucky that it is a relatively short book because I would not have stopped under any condition. Erik Ronningen does an amazing job of what happened from an insider's perspective of the 9/11 attack. His timeline tries to make sense of something that cannot be done. Erik focuses on his coworkers and their stories of trying to meet both the demand of working a terrorist incident and trying to escape with one's life. Erik's story is about the ordinary working people of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and the heroism that people have within themselves during times of crisis. It is an enjoyable read written in an easygoing style. Ronningen puts together a fascinating tale without placing his subjects on pedestals, which makes "From the Inside Out" that much more enjoyable. Very Highly Recommended.
By suniray on June 24, 2014
What an incredible telling of such an important part of American History. Ronningen's approach provides the reader with a raw account of one of the saddest and also proudest events of our time.
By Gina Lasteron April 1, 2017
I couldn't put it down. I finished it in a single afternoon. The writing wasn't Shakespeare but it didn't need to be. Of the many books I've read on this subject, this one and Jim Dwyer's incredible book "102 Minutes" gave me the feeling of actually being there and experiencing it for myself. I even felt their fatigue going down all those stairs.
By C. Mathieuon June 4, 2016
I couldn't put it down, before I finished this book. Loved the compelling writing style. It's very touching, gripping and shocking at the same time. After having watched more than 30 documentaries on 9/11 I thought I could understand what those poor people in the WTC went through, but I was wrong. Ronningen's book on his experiences and 14 of his colleagues makes you feel as if you were in the WTC with them. This should be read in every high school.
By Bella on April 23, 2016
Reading this book I felt like I was there with these people. I actually worried about them. What I liked about this book was the how each person told their own story. There was so much that happened that day I had no idea of. It's very detailed book and I liked that. I have read other 9/11 books but this one is my favorite. It's not a very long book but when you go through everyone's stories it feels longer cause it will have you going through different emotions.
By Bonnie Maricondaon January 18, 2017
Harrowing tale of a scary escape from the towers. Felt like I was there with them. Made it all feel very real. Appreciate the opportunity to hear real stories of 9-11.
By MERYL GIANNI on July 22, 2014
I absolutely loved this book. I was completely captivated by each individual experience. His writing is simply perfect and I have and will continue to recommend this book to everyone I know.
By sk8 on May 24, 2016
Appreciate the books that give accounts of people who were there and this one is a page turner
By Dzapien on April 12, 2016
I loved the different stories that were vivid making me feel like I was there. For anyone interested in the human side of this terrible tragedy, this is a window into their world on 9/11. This is one of the best books of first hand accounts I have read. With these stories to remind us of the pain people felt on that day, we will never forget.
Excellent weaving together of stories
By R. Brasso on November 12, 2015
The book really captured the survivors' individual and collective experiences as well as the randomness that led to their survival.
By S. Dicapo on December 22, 2014
great book. i had no idea how really tragic and heroic these people were on the inside. a book hard to put down. God bless all those who made it and those who passed on. sympathy to so many who lost their loved ones.
Remarkable, specific accounts of 9/11 survivors
By LMA on October 10, 2015
The author brought the reality & horror of that morning right into your face. Of all my 9/11 readings, this is the only book that made me realize the intensity of every moment the men & women experienced.
This was one of the best reports of what happened on 9/11
By Yvonne Morris on February 3, 2016
This was one of the best reports of what happened on 9/11. It was an insider, minute-by-minute account of the lives of several people who were at work on that day. It starts with the normal events of the work day and results in the heart-pounding drama of each person's struggle to survive. One feels the fear and uncertainty of each person as they struggle to make sense of their world turned totally upside down. I found myself unable to do anything else but read - even though I knew how things turned out. Obviously the people lived since I was reading their stories but it made the reader feel like you were right there. I have read other books but, none have been as action packed and immediate as From The Inside Out! Fine job Erik O. Ronningen!
Wonderfully Written! A must read
By Elizabeth W. Kelly on June 8, 2014
From the Inside Out is an incredibly well-written account of the day we will never forget. Erik's personal experiences touched my own from that day and reminded me of the resiliency of the human spirit. It is a reflection of Erik's strength and dignity that he was able to write this book after all he went through and able to capture the experiences of others in such a calm, yet moving way. This is a book to read and re-read; to share with family and friends and to recommend and pass down to those too young to know what that day was like.
By Javera2014 on July 4, 2014
Superb account of events that took place on that horrific day… A must read by every American!
All Americans should read this
By Hugh Johnston on January 17, 2015
This is a very important book with a very unique perspective that could only be written by someone who was there. I got it for Christmas and read it cover-to-cover in one sitting. It vividly brought back my memories of that horrible day as America watched the hijacked planes crash and the towers fall. The horror of the people involved could only be imagined, and this book magnifies your perspective to almost being there. I would like to note that I personally know Erik, we went to school together. I have not seen him in years, but it certainly enhanced my appreciation for this fine work since it was written by a very respected friend. I am very proud of him.
By David Larson on June 20, 2014
Wonderful book, truly enjoyed the way it was written and how Erik cut the book into short time driven events. This book was written extremely well, Erik brought us inside the towers on 9/11 and gave us an idea on what the survivors felt and experienced. Thanks for sharing your experiences and writing this book about the events on that awful day.
Riveting Tale of a Terrible Day
By caitmotes on November 6, 2017
This account of the events of 9/11/01 is incredible. I could not put this book down, and finished within about 30 hours, save for sleep and (trying to) work. I highly recommend to anyone wanting a first-hand account of that day. Very, very well written story by Erik!

By enjoy true stories on April 14, 2017
Well written. I had just visited the 9/11 museum and then bought this book. It was helpful to have my little map of lower Manhattan as I read to follow along with the movements of the survivors. It was hard to keep track of each survivor's ongoing ordeal as the book was written in time sequence rather than a whole story of each person. The Epilogue helped a great deal to pull it all together. I appreciated the references to divine help. Great book.
By marnie on November 6, 2013
This book was good. I did not give it 5 stars because I thought the writing style was a little choppy; the author kept switching from one story to the next and then back again.
...you to get an idea of what it was like to be inside the towers
By ZumaLun on December 5, 2016
Very interesting read that allows you to get an idea of what it was like to be inside the towers. I found it a tad hard to follow with it jumping around amongst so different people but it was still very interesting.

interesting but mediocre writing
By CMBeachgirl on December 1, 2015
Was an interesting book and quite harrowing at times. Ted Hanc looking out the window and seeing the plane heading toward him is just one. With stories like this an amazing book could have been written but it wasn't. Very mediocre writing and quite dry telling of the stories. I added it to my library of information on 9/11, but it's not one of the best.
It was good to read what happened to some of the survivors...
By K. Carroll on October 22, 2015
It was good to read what happened to some of the survivors of the Twin Towers and hear their harrowing stories of what they witnessed and how they escaped. I did not think it was great writing or a masterpiece as so many were raving about, but many stories were quite horrific experiences to go through, and it reminds you how fragile life is. Good book.